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Vision, Mission, and Objectives


"To become a leading Faculty of Medicine by 2026 that excels in science and technology in the field of medicine and health, based on Islamic values, in order to produce a generation of khoiro ummah within the framework of lil'alamin."


  1. Implement national and/or international medical and health education that is geared toward achieving the competence of health services based on medical science and health in order to construct a khaira ummah.
  2. Conducting research in the field of medical and health sciences based on the solution of society's problems and requirements in accordance with Islamic values, morality, ethics, and indigenous knowledge in order to produce publications and HaKI.
  3. To carry out the commitment of the national and/or international community in constructing Islamic civilization toward the society of peace blessed by Allah SWT within the framework of lil a'lamin's mercy.
  4. labor based on effective management. (excellent governance).
  5. Strengthening domestic and international cooperation.


  1. To produce graduates of academic, academic, and professional professions, tafaqquh fiddin, noble morals, and competencies (soft skills and physical skills) in health services based on Islamic values.
  2. Grow the development of discipleship behavior within the framework of Islamic prayer in order to operate the Tri Dharma College.
  3. Conduct Islamic-values-based research on local, national, and international issues in the field of medical and health sciences.
  4. To actualize the community's commitment to the field of medicine and health in order to create a prosperous society based on Islamic values within the framework of lil a'lamin's mercy.
  5. Establish effective governance via continuous quality improvement (continuous Improvement).
  6. Cooperate with external parties both domestically and internationally to enhance performance and quality based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, and mutual gain.


  1. National and/or international standard medical and health education is based on Islamic values and uses information and communication technologies (ICT) to produce graduates with competencies (soft skills and physical skills) in medicine and health services.
  2. It conducts research on medical and health sciences, as well as local, national, and international issues in the field of medicine and health, based on Islamic values, in order to reconstruct science, improve the quality of education, and serve the community.
  3. To maintain community commitment in order to build national and/or international community independence in the field of medicine and health towards a prosperous society based on Islamic values within the ambit of lil a'lamin's mercy; and
  4. Maintain good governance through efforts to perpetually improve quality (continuous Improvement) in a conducive, synergistic academic environment in order to develop the behavior of teachers within the framework of Islamic teaching in order to establish the Tri Dharma College.
  5. Organizes cooperation with external parties both domestically and internationally to enhance performance and quality on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual respect, and mutual benefit.